Please anyone help me how to block acces from ultrasurf ???
it's use https/443 and tons of IP's so it almost impossible to filter it's IP's
maybe someone can figure out this or maybe using layer7
thanks in advance
it's use https/443
iptables -I FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --to 256 --hex-string '|16030100410100003d0301|' --algo bm -j DROP
iptables -I FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST,PSH ACK,PSH -m string --to 256 --hex-string '|16030100410100003d0301|' --algo bm -j DROP
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
add name=ultrasurf regexp="^\16\03\01\00\41\01\00\00\3D\03\01"
/ip firewall mangle
add chain=prerouting action=add-dst-to-address-list protocol=tcp address-list=ultrasurf \
address-list-timeout=0s layer7-protocol=ultrasurf in-interface=lan dst-port=443