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PayPal button and UserManager

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:12 am
by surfergeek
I'm just now getting my Hotspot to take online payments.
I'm a bit confused :shock: I have the PayPal button coded on my login page. So that users can buy time.
And, I'm using UserManager all on same box/router to "authorize" and get credits. But I haven't finished configuring UM completely.
So, can I have the "buy now" paypal button and UserManager at the sametime?
Or do I have to just use UserManager to "buy credits" i.e., new users signing up to use HotSpot and not use the PayPal button?

Re: PayPal button and UserManager

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:24 pm
by sergejs
If you are talking about Paypal buy now button, this option is not possible with User Manager.

Re: PayPal button and UserManager

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:36 pm
by surfergeek
Thanks Sergejs. I was thinking having that "Paypal button" gives that extra sense of security to potential buyers.
But, in lieu of having the "button" on the login page. One could just paste the Visa/Mastercard logo on the login.
So that's virtually impossilbe, to have the PayPal button, due to the path the verification process takes correct?