I have a very strange problem .
The mikrotik and radius server are in same subnet and same switch . they have fine networking with each other without any timeout . pings are <1ms . the problem is sometimes the mikrotik radius client shows a lot of timeouts in less than a second for example the radius timeout counter grows by 500 or even more in less than a second.
What i did to solve the problem?
first i thought the problem is radius server software because the network between mikrotik server and radius server was fine. so i have added two other mikrotik systems in that network with same config and some pppoe users connected to mikrotik1,some connected to mikrotik2 and some to mikrotik3and all of them authenticated by same radius server.
I have seen that some times mikrotik1 had timeouts but 2 and 3 did not . this timeouts randomly changed between those 3 mikrotiks. so i found there is a problem in mikrotik.
with a lot of try and false i have found that the problem only occurs on mikrotiks which have PPPOE users with PCQ queue type and NOT ALWAYS.
now i have mikrotik 1 and 2 WOTHOUT PCQ and they have less than 40 timeouts for 2 weeks.and i have mikrotik3 with PPPOE clients with PCQ and i have more than 15000 timeouts in 2 days !!!!!
NOTE : The mikrotik1 has excatly same config before . just i have connected my PPPOE PCQ clients to mikrotiks3.