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Best signup method with Hotspot and or Usermanager

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:57 pm
by surfergeek
Hi all,
Presently. I'm using UserManager and Hotspot to enable users to get online. And, I'm trying to figure the best method to go from trial user to authenticated via usermanager and then to PayPal to purchase credits.
I have the trial link setup. Once the users have used that trial time up (1 hr). I'd like them to be able to purchase credits.
I've set up user credits in Usermanager as following.

$2.95 -2 hours

$4.95- 24 hours

$11.95 - 1 week

$21.95 - 1 month.

I have a "purchase credit" button setup on the initial login page.
But, when time expires on the "trial" access. Ofcourse they can't get on to purchase credits from the login page.
Anybody have suggestions as to how to simplify this process?
I also have my phone # for users to call to me get online. At that point I believe I'd check their IP and Mac (remotely) then assign them a user name corresponding to the credits needed?
Here's a pic of the

Re: Best signup method with Hotspot and or Usermanager

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:03 pm
by fewi
I have a "purchase credit" button setup on the initial login page.
But, when time expires on the "trial" access. Ofcourse they can't get on to purchase credits from the login page.
Why not? Just put all required resources into the Hotspot Walled Garden and permit access to them.