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using freeradius Winbox to log in?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:37 pm
by joaorenato
I have a server with Freebsd Freeradius installed.
I want all my technical Winbox by entering the password registered in the

by debug I rode in freeradius (radius -X) and found that the Winbox sends authentication via "hat" but I do not know what I have to subscribe to meet the MK. For the authentication for the users of my pppoe I use "PAP" in plain text.

I tried various settings without success, now my database is this:

INSERT INTO `radcheck` (`id`, `username`, `attribute`, `op`, `value`, `Empresa`) VALUES
(16, 'renato', 'Cleartext-Password', ':=', '1', 0),
(11, 'renato', 'Calling-Station-Id', '==', '', 0),
(12, 'renato', 'NAS-Identifier', '==', 'Mikrotik', 0),
(19, 'renato', 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', '==', '600k/600k', 0);

INSERT INTO `radgroupreply` (`id`, `groupname`, `attribute`, `op`, `value`) VALUES
(4, 'discado', 'Framed-MTU', ':=', '1500');
utura da tabela `usergroup`
INSERT INTO `usergroup` (`username`, `groupname`, `priority`) VALUES
('renato', 'discado', 1),