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PROXY HELP.. urgent..!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:23 am
by d3v4
hi guys

i need help configure this network :

i have two connection, 512 KBPS By satelite and 256 KBPS FO. i put a proxy server under the satilite line.

I want to split my internet connection, so if my client requesting a web page then he will be redirect to proxy server use the satelite, and if not he will be direct connect using FO.

i'm manage BW for my client 512, 128, 128 KBPS with mikrotik 2.28

so far i use "ip firewall dst-nat redirect to" command for redirecting the web request to my proxy server, but my "queue simple" does not counting it. i need those trafic also count by mikrotik queue

please help. !

sorry english is not my native language

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:22 pm
by taloot
wait ,,
1st do you have anyserver for the satellite or its connected directly to the satellite modem?
2nd do you have public or real ip on it
this is easy to do it in 2.9
you can mangle it 1st in input rule or out but the specify the dst-port as your MT WEBproxy port not ur isp port
but 2.9 also have problem on this thing the will fix it soon
. there is a backup idea and it works fine with me but will cost you arround 300$

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:55 pm
by d3v4
wait ,,
1st do you have anyserver for the satellite or its connected directly to the satellite modem?
it's not connected directly to satellite modem, i use linux server.
2nd do you have public or real ip on it
i have ip public on both connections.

this is easy to do it in 2.9
you can mangle it 1st in input rule or out but the specify the dst-port as your MT WEBproxy port not ur isp port
2.9 also have problem on this thing the will fix it soon
. there is a backup idea and it works fine with me but will cost you arround 300$

i do not use MT Web proxy, but i use proxy server. can i put quote for a redirect traffic ? can u give me some examples ?


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:27 pm
by napairnetworks
wait ,,
1st do you have anyserver for the satellite or its connected directly to the satellite modem?
2nd do you have public or real ip on it
this is easy to do it in 2.9
you can mangle it 1st in input rule or out but the specify the dst-port as your MT WEBproxy port not ur isp port
but 2.9 also have problem on this thing the will fix it soon
. there is a backup idea and it works fine with me but will cost you arround 300$

what is that backup idea?