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How do you insert the date&time of the "down" on the label?

Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:18 am

How do you insert the 'date&time' of the down in the label?

One can see the status change as it happens showing the probe condition but... :roll:

How does one see the down "date&time" event in the label on the map live? :?:

I know you can insert Date & Time, but that's the current Date & Time of the reveal. :wink:
Example... [device_performance()][Device.ServicesDown] this is as close as it gets now...
Would be nice if their was something like this...
[device_performance()][Device.ServicesDown][Device.ServicesDownTime] or [Device.ServicesDownDateTime] in the label on the live map.

This needs to be done without using... SNMP!!! :(

Thanks & Cheers!!!

This "The Dude" software is awesome!!! :D

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Re: How do you insert the date&time of the "down" on the label?

Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:38 pm

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Re: How do you insert the date&time of the "down" on the label?

Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:19 pm


That is not a valid query in Version #3.5... [Device.ServicesLastDownTime]

I could not find it in the "Appearance" selection of the Label of the Device!!!

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Re: How do you insert the date&time of the "down" on the lab

Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:01 pm

This would be a good idea, How about implementing it in the next version