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Limiting TCP/IP Connections

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:20 pm
by Cameron Earnshaw
Is there a way in the Mikrotik to limit the number of TCP/IP connections on a per-client basis?


Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:15 pm
by tully
This is already in v2.8

Creates new item with specified property values.
action Rule action
comment Set comment for items
connection Connection mark to match
connection-state connection status
content The text packets should contain in order to match the rule
copy-from Item number
disabled Defines whether chain's rule is disabled or not
dst-address Destination address
dst-netmask Destination mask
dst-port Destination port
flow Flow mark to mach
icmp-options ICMP options
in-interface Incoming interface
jump-target Name of the target chain, if action=jump is used
limit-burst Allowed burst regarding the limit-count/limit-time
limit-count How many times to use the rule during the limit-time
limit-time Time interval, used in limit-count
log Enable/Disable logging
out-interface Outgoing interface
p2p Mach Peer-to-Peer connections
place-before Item number
protocol Protocol
src-address Source address
src-mac-address Source MAC address
src-netmask Source mask
src-port Source port
tcp-options TCP options
tos Match the value of Type of Service file of IP header