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Bandwidth server question
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:28 am
by OrCAD
I've two RB with SR5 at 13,5Km. Link is stable a -79dBm 24Mbit.
When I running bandwidht server in RB1 and bandwidht test in RB2 I see this:
receive average 10s= 12Mbit
send average 10s= 34kbit
When I running bandwidht server in RB2 and bandwidht test in RB1 I see this:
receive average 10s= 34-48 kbit
send average 10s= 9-12Mbit
Same two SR5 have frequency set at 5600, short preamble
Where is the problem? One way only have 12Mbit? Or bug in rc9?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:41 am
by stephenpatrick
IMHO your CPU is limiting even for just the traffic.
Running BW test eats even more resource. Run the test through the routers, not on them.
Check system resources - CPU utilisation at 100%?
Best of luck -
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:56 am
by OrCAD
yes, system CPU still to 100% in receive mode and send mode, but in send mode (UDP) I have 7-12mbit and in receive mode (UDP) I have too small bandwidht!!
Is possible? Receive only 48-80 kbit?
many thanks
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:56 am
by OrCAD
yes, system CPU still to 100% in receive mode and send mode, but in send mode (UDP) I have 7-12mbit and in receive mode (UDP) I have too small bandwidht!!
How to run bandwidht test throught the router?
Is possible? Receive only 48-80 kbit?
many thanks
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:09 pm
by stephenpatrick
You need separate test routers, or PCs connected to either end of the link on the ethernet side.
Use these to generate and receive traffic. A decent 1GHz PC with Win2000 and MT windows BW test can generate/sink 80Mbps traffic.
The max you will get with a 266MHz x86 CPU is about 24Mbps throughput, with Nstreme, security off. Turn anything on, and it will drop further.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:23 pm
by OrCAD
oki, thanks
but why I've result in only one direction?
PC <---> RB
PC receive and RB send (12mbit)
PC send and RB receive (zero)
I can test link only with PC in each side then run Win Bandwidht test?
Another 10x.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:44 pm
by stephenpatrick
Yes there are problems with Windows BW test connecting to RouterOS BW test it seems.
Windows<>Windows is fine
RouterOS<>RouterOS is fine
sometimes you can initiate send, but not receive, and vice versa.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:03 pm
by OrCAD
Yes, understand all
but RouterOS<-->RouterOS in configuration AP<--->station
a 5Ghz with SR5
Bandwidht test return positive result only in send mode from AP RB
or equivalent receive mode in station RB.
WDS can resolve?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:12 pm
by dozer
Are the antennas at both ends the same? I guess what I am asking is if the signal at both ends is the same. What are the signal strength and TX signal strength at both ends?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:13 pm
by OrCAD
At the both end I've -78dBm -80dBm, same antenna (grid parabolic antenna Stella Doradus) and same miniPCI ubiquiti SR5.
I've best tranfer rate in only one direction..
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:44 am
by UniKyrn
One experimental backhaul we're testing uses a pair of 532's bumped to 333Mhz, SR5's and Nstreme. One end is configured for bridge with WDS and the other end is configured for station-wds. At twenty miles we're getting signal strengths of -72db to -75db when the link speed is manually limited to 24mbit. A bandwidth test through that link shows we're getting about 20mbit on a UDP test, which is at least in the ballpark. I'm not sure if Nstreme is supposed to give you the entire bandwidth of the link, or just most of it. In addition, the test boxes at each end of the link are RB230's, so they may be limiting the speed of the test also.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:01 am
by OrCAD
for link align I can use one RB in "alignment only" and in other RB (slave) I check align button?
I think not have perfect direction or I receive with a secondary lobe in one of the two parabolic antenna.
Is possible?
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:00 am
by tully
Most people that report these kinds of problems have changed their basic-rates. DON'T DO THIS!
If you want to get informed answers, you should send you supout file to -- on the forum, we have no idea of the full configuration of your setup.