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I need to remove the "<" and ">" symbol

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:30 pm
by 820
I need to remove the "<" and ">" symbol Naming of users. Within PPP -> Interface “Name” it shows the “<” and “>” characters but not in PPP -> Secrets. The reason for this is we are integrating with another network management platform and this platform doesn’t accept “<” or “>” within a device name. I would really appreciate how I can get this done from our RB1000 unit.

Example: <l2tp-1217058875@uk.adslservice>

Re: I need to remove the "<" and ">" symbol

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:33 pm
by changeip
those are there because you are using dynamic interfaces. make static ppp interface for each user and it will be exact same.

Re: I need to remove the "<" and ">" symbol

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:36 am
by ibizamale
Im having a similar issue.

I would like the < > signs removed. The issue that i am having is my customers are authenticated using a radius server and not the Secrets part of the PPP section.

Any ideas on how i can remove the < & > from the interface list?
