I have a problem in RB 800
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:45 pm
I have a problem in RB 800 each day the device turns off and the
device does not function unless you turn off of Electricity for the
device and then turn on device works Again As enter the logo to see
the error seems to me the following word in the first line
system error critical. router was rebooted without proper shutdow ...
So . what do I do about it .. Please send the solution as soon as
possible .. Now I have a network connection problems
device does not function unless you turn off of Electricity for the
device and then turn on device works Again As enter the logo to see
the error seems to me the following word in the first line
system error critical. router was rebooted without proper shutdow ...
So . what do I do about it .. Please send the solution as soon as
possible .. Now I have a network connection problems