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RC 10 - compression oddity on AR 5212 / AR 5213 cards

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:42 am
by billr
Hi all,

I have just upgraded to RC 10 on two boxes running VIA motherboard (basically a PC type system).

One has AR 5212, and I can see and TICK the COMPRESSION box in wireless.

One has AR 5213, BUT the compression box is there BUT it is greyed out !! This is really wierd. I cannot activate or access compression.

I am running Nstreme, 5.8 GHz turbo - is there some incompatibility ??


Sorry, my fault..

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:04 pm
by billr
Ok, apologies..
You can 'see' compression on a station.

But you can only activate compression on an AP.

Apologies for confusion but at least it may save someone else asking this question..


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:10 pm
by stephenpatrick
Hmmm ....

I only have 5212 (CM6 AG) in my router at home.
The compression tab was there when I first went to winbox.
Then after changing a few other settings, the tab vanished.
Closing the "wireless" interface frame in winbox, and re-opening, it came back.
Small bug, or not?


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:33 pm
by billr
That is ALSO what I have found.
Sometimes on opening winbox the compression tab is there, sometimes NOT !!
And winbox crashed on me as well, first time ever..

Activating compression on this link 5212 to 5213 drastically SLOWS traffic from 40 to 10 MBits/s. It is a test link of an amazingly long 50 metres ... but the fact remains, compression does not speed things up

Unless of course compression is not supported in the 5213??

I will stick with nstreme and 5.8 G turbo for now..

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:11 pm
by xandor
HI Stephen,
On 2.9rc10 is present a big bug. I think because driver is updated with hardware compression.
In fact don't work properly 5Ghz-turbo and Nstreme, instead Nstreme2 crash after 2 minutes of traffic.


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:42 pm
by billr
I don't know about nstreme2 but atheros link fail and reconnect of their own accord, and it is not a signal strength issue.

The atheros wireless package is the most important one for us so this is a serious issue..

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:43 am
by wisp-equipment
I'm using 2.9rc10 on ITX's and WRAP's with CM9's. None of them are showing the compression option anywhere within winbox.

Also, while telnet'ing in, I checked options there and I see nothing related to compression via console.

I also downloaded the latest winbox from our routers, but it made no difference.

No compression option listed for us. I look forward to it though. :-)


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:17 am
by billr
Compression should be on the Advanced tab, after preamble - if it is there..
As I say above - and so does stevenpatrick - it seems to appear and dissappear..

However - IMO don't bother with it yet - I have a short test link, and using compression my speed dropped from 45 MBits/s or so to 10 MBits/s ...
SO I don't think it is **quite** right yet ;-))

I certainly look forward to it as well.


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:49 am
by wisp-equipment
I found compression settings. It wasn't installed on my latest 2.9rc10, since it appears the wireless-legacy was installed by default (even though I uploaded both packages via FTP, it upgraded to legacy instead of the normal wireless package by default).

I had the same problem with routing. Instead of the normal routing package, it installed routing-test. So now I'm gonna have to be more careful about what I select.

Also, on compression, I'm seeing the same as you. My 50-60Mbit links were flying before, turn on compression and we're down to about 10Mbit or less.
