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Testing Hotspot Remotely

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:51 am
by JParr
I have an odd issue where hotspot logins are failing, radius logs show garbled passwords Auth: Login incorrect: [scott/\013\245\210g\375\200\324/w\226_\262\322\017\347:] and would like to send radius auth requests from the MT, but I am not able to cable in directly to it, or associate to the wireless. Is there any way to remotely test the hotspot functionality?

Re: Testing Hotspot Remotely

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:42 pm
by krakenant
Create an EOIP tunnel between them.
If your hotspot isn't assigned to a bridge on the remote end, create a bridge, assign the interfaces you normally have the hotspot assigned to to this bridge. Then add the EOIP tunnel to the same bridge.

On a MikroTik at your physical location, create a bridge, add the EOIP tunnel to it, as well as a physical Ethernet or wireless interface (VAPs work for this as well) then connect a device to that interface, and you should draw DHCP and your traffic will be sent to/from that hotspot.