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UPnP and external interface with multiple addresses

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:47 pm
by Sob
I have simple NATed network where I'd like to enable UPnP. The only slightly non-standard thing are two IP addresses on external interface (one public for internet access and one private used for network monitoring).
The trouble is that UPnP port mapping always uses the wrong one (private). So while some port mapping is set, it does nothing, because all request from internet come to the other address (public).
Is there any way to select only specific external address to be used? Or exclude the ones I don't want to use, or anything like that?

Re: UPnP and external interface with multiple addresses

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:12 am
by marlowbg

I also experience the same problem. Can somebody tell us how to solve it?