I am in the process of setting up a wireless network for my own house and family/neighbors in rural New Zealand. I am a web developer by day but only have a basic understanding of networking (very sad I know).
It would be very helpful to have some guidance on how I should configure the RouterBoards in this network, once I have a general idea then I will be able to figure out the details. Thanks for any help.
Network Layout:
I have been running a solar powered wireless tower (TowerOne) to share a satellite internet connection between 4 houses over a 3km range. All 4 houses connect to the ubiquity extremerange card in wireless brigde mode, each house can use the satellite connection installed at one of the houses.
I would like to replace the satellite connection with a remote ADSL connection. I have added a second tower that has line of site to TowerOne and to a house suitable for an ADSL connection.
The goal is to share the ADSL connection via TowerTwo between the 4 houses connected to TowerOne, and to network the 4 houses together.
The "route" would be along these lines I think:
[ADSL]---[NanoStation] >>> [TowerTwo R52n] >>> [TowerOne R52n] --- [TowerOne ExtremeRange] >>> [NanoSation] --- [ME!]
Tower One - Hub
- Routerboard RB433
- 1 Ubuquity ExtremeRange2 b/g, with 1 omni 12bd
- 1 MT R52n pci card, with 1 directional 18db (added on stage2)
Tower Two - Backbone
- Routerboard RB433
- 1 MT R52n pci card, with 2 directional 18bd
Internet Source
- ADSL Router with ethernet connection to ubquity nanostation
Photos are of TowerOne (the loose cables and unprotected battery have been remedied!)