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Mikrotik and other programs...

Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:48 pm

Hi guys!

I was wondering if there are any known conflicts between mikrotik and other programs which use sql databases? The reason i ask is because i have at last finished my first network and have noticed that the one establishments accounting software (Pastel - most evil of acc proggie imho) drops its server intermittently. Everyone gets kicked out and i get whined at :D

I had thought that perhaps it was an IP thing so i set them up on DHCP and static to no avail :( It does seem though that when the wind blasts, it moves the one Grid (Busy putting stays on it atm) and that boots em off... Would losing signal like this cause such things? I even tried unplugging the network cable that supplies the switch with internet to test and that doesn't seem to boot em off though!

I went so far as to even put them on a Hotspot to try and stop the disconnecting! Still does like once a day any idea's from anyone?
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Re: Mikrotik and other programs...

Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:41 pm

There are not any known conflicts. Perhaps there are conflicts (problems) with network interfaces on the computer, where program is installed?
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Re: Mikrotik and other programs...

Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:15 pm

Thanks for the reply sergejs!
Perhaps you could enlighten me as to how i can go about testing? I have noticed that the whole network actually goes down!?! Weirdness, not sure if it possible to misprogram such a thing into a router? There is also a dos base app that goes down along with it, which leads me to believe that its something big so i have put the switch and router on a ups in case and still it goes mad now and then!