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acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:54 pm
by pauldavidkelly

I have a aheros AR5213 that I was using a wireless connection to a WAN network

I have now moved house and cannot get a connection on the wan. My neighbour has allowed me to use her standard wireless internet connection. I was wondering if I could use the unit to connect. I can get a signal but cannot figure out how to load the password in to make the connection. Can you help me with this?

Many thanks

Paul Kelly

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:17 am
by normis
what is the problem exactly, please tell us what model of MikroTik hardware do you use, and which part of configuration is the problem. Show us a picture (screenshot) of the issue if possible.

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:15 pm
by pauldavidkelly
I live in rural Ireland where there is no available land line broadband,. And mobile internet does not reach. My landlord who lives about 500 meters from me has a broadband connection which he says I can share

I have a MikroTik Routerboard 153 (Level 4) WISP AP. I can use the scan and pick up a good signal from his domestic wireless router. But it will not let me connect because it is password protected (which I have)

Is there a way to load the password into to the Routerboard so it will connect to the domestic wireless router

Hope this clarifies the problem

Thanks for all your help

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:24 pm
by normis
yes, you need to find out if that's a WEP or WPA password, and then configure your security profile accordingly. here is how: ... 35#p184935

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:32 pm
by pauldavidkelly
Brilliant I’ll try that

Thanks for all the help

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:03 am
by pauldavidkelly
I Followed the last post and now have the landlords wireless router on the status and everything there looks O K. but it wont let me out onto the internet. I’ve chatted to a friend and he suggested it might be the I.P setting on the firewall of the my routerbox. I have set the NAT to masquerade but this has had no effect

I’ve a feeling that this is a little over my head and might need to seek someone who knows about this trickery to come and look at it for me but just thought you might be able too suggest where I might look and you might have some thread that you can send me to fix the problem

I realise it’s a long shot but would appreciate any suggestions you can offer

Thanks for all the help.

Paul Kelly

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:55 pm
by ciphercore
Can you ping out to the net from a "New Terminal" window on the RB ?

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:41 am
by hazyd
My suggestion would be ditch the masquerade and keep it simple. Create a bridge with the wireless port and the Ethernet interface that you are using and then if all goes well, you should pull an address from the other router and you are done. :D

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:03 pm
by pauldavidkelly
Hi have been away working and have been using a wireless doggle to connect to the landladies router. But it is only barely getting a signal and keeps breaking down so I’m back trying to get the router box up and running. So sorry it’s been so long and thanks for all the help up to now

In answer to the question no I cant ping out onto the net or ping the wireless router

I am researching connecting using a bridge and when I’ve figured how to set this up I’ll try it and let you know if that works


Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:35 am
by pauldavidkelly
Could not get the bridge to work

Also cannot ping out to the web from a new terminal window but can ping the router box

Sorry for the delay but any further help would be grateful

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:58 am
by nicmo
i am having a similar problem, I got ip from modem but no internet.

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:24 am
by pauldavidkelly
I’ve got a little closer with this can now ping out too the Micro tik router and ping the landlords wireless router but still no Internet. Did this by adding the wireless routers IP to the list in Winbox


Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:02 pm
by pauldavidkelly
Can anyone give me instructions on how to set up the bridge as suggested by hazyd and I will see if that works


Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:02 pm
by pauldavidkelly
I have had help from a friend and have now got the microic router pingng out onto the web. It has been assigned an IP address And seems to be working fine.

The problem now is that my computer has an ip of and when I ping out onto the wed I get a general failure. This I think is a problem with the microtic not assigning the correct Ip

Can anyone help

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:34 pm
by mahnet
see if ur landlord router has dhcp enabled or u need to know the IP series being used in the LAN port & use ip from same pool on ur PC

Re: acess to standard wireless router

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:13 am
by pauldavidkelly
The dhcp is enabled and I have tried to put the settings into ipv4 using this is In the range also the dns server used by the landladys router but with no joy.