Hi there i have just hit some strange behaviour or a bug on VRPP (beta3 and 4.10).I have two RB1000 two int for internet two for internal lan, i have setup a vrrp as it should be no FW no nothing just vrrp configured!!! For some reason when i setup my own Priority like R1 be 1 and R2 be 1 things are working as they should be:
But if i set higher PR on R1 and lower on R2 things are getting ugly:
But if i set higher PR on R2 and lower PR on R1 things are working again !!!Strange uhh!
For some reason VRRP like R2 much more of R1 dont know why would be nice if someone tell me , they all the same except Ip addresses and MACs.
Any comment from MikroTik stuff will be much appreciated!?
God speed