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BGP and IP Advertisement

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:26 pm
by auwudia
Hi All,
I just got a /21 (41.76.x.x/21) IP block from AfriNIC as we want to be giving public IP address to all our customers. I currently have /29 from my two of my ISPs (82.128.x.x/29 and 208.89.x.x/29). I want to advertise a /23 of this block with the 1st ISP.

Can anyone kindly give me a clue as to how to start using this block of IP addresses?

Kind regards,

Re: BGP and IP Advertisement

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:06 am
by perezcurda
Do you have your AS Number?

if not you have to ask for that on arin or afrinic. and then is only configuration yo have to speak with your ISP's and ask what kind of router are using they exchange yours AS number.

Very good manual to start:

Re: BGP and IP Advertisement

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:29 pm
by auwudia
Dear Perezcurda,
Thank you, the advertisment is complete.