Scripting n00b with what is probably a stupid question...
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:21 am
#This is the first time I have written a RouterOS script and what I'm trying to do is to isolate the IPs of three entries in my firewall ruleset, compare them to the [:resolve]'d value, and replace the value if it is different. I can't seem to get my output to only display the IP address present in the src-address field, though. Below is a sample of what I am attempting, and the output I'm getting. I have tried many variants of this, but this is the most promising attempt I've had.
[admin@RouterOS] > /ip firewall filter get [/ip firewall filter print where comment~".com"] src-address
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 ;;; Allow connections to anything
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
1 ;;; Allow connections to anything
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
2 ;;; Allow connections.
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
no such item
[admin@RouterOS] > /ip firewall filter get [/ip firewall filter print where comment~".com"] src-address
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 ;;; Allow connections to anything
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
1 ;;; Allow connections to anything
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
2 ;;; Allow connections.
chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=
no such item