I'm trying to install two ssl certificates on one router and I can't get it to work. Details follow below, after the description of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have a hotspot running, using one ssl certificate, with no problem.
I purchased a second ssl certificate, with a different domain name, to support a second hotspot on the the same router.
At first, I was going to use one certificate for both hotspots, but since each hotspot has its own subnet, and has to have its own domain name, I realized I needed another certificate.
I know that there are certificates that support multiple domain names, but I opted to buy a second certificate. Maybe that was a mistake.
I didn't know if ROS would be happy with two private keys, so both certificates use the same private key.
I ftp'd the private key and the two certificates to the router. From Winbox, I clicked import and provided the passphrase.
Only the first certificate get the "KR" symbols in the first column. The second certificate shows blank in the first column.
If I ftp them in the opposite order, whichever shows up first in the file window will get the "KR" and the other shows blank.
I also tried importing them one at a time. Regardless of which I import first, only the first one "installs". The second one just sits there.
Some questions:
1) Is it essential to have a certificate for each hotspot?
I don't see how I can share one, since each hotspot has its own subnet and the "IP of DNS name" must be unique on each hotspot.
2) If I need separate certificates, can they share a single private key?
3) Is there some special sequence of import I need to follow to make this work? I've tried cert1-key-cert2, cert1-cert2-key. I still only get
one certificate to install properly.
4) If I need separate keys for each certificate, is there some special import sequence I need to follow to get both certificates to work?
I've searched the forum and wiki, but I can't find anyone using multiple certificates.
Thanks as always for anyone who can help!