i have used netinstall a dozen times, but on this board, a new RB433AH it just does not want to work right.
i followed the manual http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Netinstall to the letter.
oh npk version 4.11 stable
it hangs on "Waiting for installation server..."
in Netinstall the RB433AH showed up and is 'ready' after selecting packages and clicking install nothing happens and the RB is "Waiting for installation server..."
serial output:
RouterBOOT booter 2.23
RouterBoard 433AH
CPU frequency: 680 MHz
Memory size: 128 MB
Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup..
writing settings to flash... OK
trying bootp protocol.... OK
Got IP address:
resolved mac address 00:1D:72:CC:04:B4
transfer started ....................... transfer ok, time=2.36s
setting up elf image... OK
jumping to kernel code
Welcome to MikroTik Router Software remote installation
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to abort
mac-address: 00:0C:42:77:2E:11
mac-address: 00:0C:42:77:2E:12
mac-address: 00:0C:42:77:2E:13
software-id: RRHD-91A0 key:
Waiting for installation server...