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Probe & notification granularity

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:21 pm
by SSU
Hello all,

I have a couple of questions regarding the configuration of probes, notifications, and their granularity.

I have a probe configured to flag any HDDs that exceed 85% usage. This is working properly. However, I've been trying to do a little more configuration to establish some granularity, and thus my questions:

1) Can I establish different probe variables for different devices?

Let's say I have one server that I want to monitor differently to notify me that its HDD is 50% full. How is this done? I can click on the device, then click the Services tab, then double-click the "disk" probe. This launches the Service window for the disk probe, and I then click the single "dot" button next to the probe field, which launches the disk probe properties. However, if I make any change to any variable this change cascades throughout the entire configuration, all devices will show this same config change.

2) How do I get a repeat notification, and can I establish different conditions for different devices?

I have a few devices that I would like to have notifications sent twice daily, and not just when something goes up or down. For instance, I have 5 servers with >85% HDD utilization. How do I get these devices to email me twice daily? I received one email for the disk utilization, and that was when I established the probe parameters. After that I've received no subsequent notifications for these devices. I want to be notified twice daily that these devices have exceeded the established probe value. How is this done? As with the probe, changes I make to a device's notification properties seem to cascade throughout the entire setup and are applied to all devices.

Can any of this be accomplished? Thanks in advance for all assistance.

Re: Probe & notification granularity

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:16 am
by gsandul
[quote=""SSU"]1) Can I establish different probe variables for different devices?[/quote]
No way to pass variables to The Dude functions or probes, just create new probe to check different conditions.
2) How do I get a repeat notification, and can I establish different conditions for different devices?
Just create more notifications (some of them make to be with repeat interval, some - not) and use different notifications for different device services.