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Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:03 pm
by dancms
Having issues with framed-route working, tried in 4.6 and upgraded to 4.11 same issue:

00:00:57 radius,debug,packet Framed-IP-Address =
00:00:57 radius,debug,packet MT-Rate-Limit = "256k/1M"
00:00:57 radius,debug,packet Framed-Route = ""
00:00:57 radius,debug,packet Session-Timeout = 172800

However, no route is added to the mikrotik.
All other attributes working.

Any ideas?


Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:13 pm
by fewi ... ess-Accept
# Framed-Route - routes to add on the server. Format is specified in RFC 2865 (Ch. 5.22), can be specified as many times as needed
For IP routes, it SHOULD contain a destination prefix in dotted
quad form optionally followed by a slash and a decimal length
specifier stating how many high order bits of the prefix to use.
That is followed by a space, a gateway address in dotted quad
form, a space, and one or more metrics separated by spaces. For
example, " 1 2 -1 3 400". The length
specifier may be omitted, in which case it defaults to 8 bits for
class A prefixes, 16 bits for class B prefixes, and 24 bits for
class C prefixes. For example, " 1".

Whenever the gateway address is specified as "" the IP
address of the user SHOULD be used as the gateway address.
So without knowing the exact topology you're trying to implement, here's how you'd implement a route to through " 1". You can omit the Framed-IP-Address if it's dynamic by using quad zeroes, which the NAS should substitute with the Framed-IP-Address: " 1"

Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:36 pm
by dancms
Thanks for the quick reply, I though I had used framed-route on an older version like I had specified before, but I changed to the following:

00:36:04 radius,debug,packet Framed-IP-Address =
00:36:04 radius,debug,packet MT-Rate-Limit = "256k/1M"
00:36:04 radius,debug,packet Framed-Route = " 1"
00:36:04 radius,debug,packet Session-Timeout = 172800

Didnt work, trying with framed address in place of

Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:47 pm
by dancms
No go either:

00:43:00 radius,debug,packet Framed-IP-Address =
00:43:00 radius,debug,packet MT-Rate-Limit = "256k/1M"
00:43:00 radius,debug,packet Framed-Route = " 1"
00:43:00 radius,debug,packet Session-Timeout = 172800

Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:59 pm
by fewi
Then I don't know - maybe proactively open a ticket with, but you very probably won't hear back until Monday.

Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:04 pm
by dancms
I opened a ticket, I will keep trying things in the mean time. I appreciate your help!


Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:05 pm
by dancms
Per Mikrotik - Framed-Route is not supported in DHCP-Server .

Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:35 pm
by ejmerkel
Is it documented somewhere exactly what radius attributes the MT DHCP server does NOT support?


Re: Framed-Route in v4.11

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:56 am
by Inssomniak
Ya I think it only works in PPP