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Disable "Reset All Counters" Button from Winbox GUI

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:40 pm
by nesta
Hi Everybody

Is there a way to disable the "Reset All Counters" button from "ip hotspot users" menu in Winbox, or prevent to click it by error. I need to have system users cappable to disable/enable hotspot users, changing user profiles, and other write policies, without reseting all my information of "uptime" and others important counters. How can I create my own policies or modify existing ones.

Any tip will be helpful.

Re: Disable "Reset All Counters" Button from Winbox GUI

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:37 pm
by fewi
Can't do that, I'm afraid. ... Properties
That link describes all the possible rights a user can have. What you need is something far more granular that doesn't exist. You cannot define your own policies.

Your only option is to use the API to write your own app that only exposes what the users should be able to do, and not use Winbox at all.

Re: Disable "Reset All Counters" Button from Winbox GUI

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:48 pm
by Almohalla
Mikrotik must do a solution for that button. what if someone clicked that button by mistake, so winbox should show alert message like do you wanna rest all counters ?... it's easy!

I really hate that button because i rest all users' counters by mistake.

please do something

Re: Disable "Reset All Counters" Button from Winbox GUI

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:48 am
by sajjad2018
It happens to me, it should at least alert. and confirmation message,

Re: Disable "Reset All Counters" Button from Winbox GUI

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:33 am
by vecernik87
We had similar discussion earlier - people asking to add a confirmation to "disable" and "remove" buttons, because "what if I accidentally click it" ? Well guess what? You can accidentally add a route, which will break stuff. You can accidentally reorder firewall rules which will break stuff. You can accidentally do so many things which will break other things. Why would you need to confirm every one of them? It will be annoying like a hell to click "confirm" all the time and if you make a poll, I would certainly vote against.

You can relatively easily overcome this with personalized skin for webfig. You can simply hide elements, including menus/buttons:
So you can even limit your employee to only particular menu. That way they can for example configure only hotspot features but not interfaces, routing, firewal etc...

"You must do something, what if someone click" ... Oh, they must do something? Because you are unable to handle the responsibility? cmon man, If you click, you click. Its your fault. Accept it, learn from it and don't click on things which you don't want to do. Don't push your responsibility onto others.