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Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:32 pm
by O1DMBFan
So with no changes to the server itself the Dude just stopped allowing access. It kept reporting invalid username and password. I tried all of our usernames and passwords with no luck. I then tried the default admin with no password and it logged me in with no devices. My entire network was missing. I currently run a batch everyday at 3AM to back up all files in C:\Program Files\Dude\. I've tried implementing my backups by copying the files back into that directory and I still get the same results. No map and no passwords. Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:37 am
by normis
wait, you restored the files from a backup, and you are told "incorrect password"? or you can connect and the map is gone?
which Dude version is this?
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:43 pm
by O1DMBFan
It's 3.5. Yes restoring all of the files results in the same exact scenario as before restoring. Default password. Missing devices, submaps... everything.
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:53 pm
by O1DMBFan
After looking around further in The Dude, I've found that all the devices are still there with their data. They are listed under the devices panel. The problem lies within the local map and submaps. That's what is wiped clear. As well as my charts but those are not nearly as important. Any help would be appreciated.
When logging in I do see one of my devices in the corner and a submap that is unknown. It's very odd. I can't access the submap and I cant drag the device that's in the corner into view(and yes I've checked to see if the map is locked). I can however double click the device and it shows me the details of one of my routerboards. I've attached a picture.
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:20 pm
by lebowski
Just curious, how many steps of undo do you have configured? When you load up your save file can you click undo to see if you get your maps back?
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:49 am
by normis
you could also try the Tools->Layout command and see if it brings the devices out of the corner.
Re: Dude randomly crashed - Lost all data
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:18 pm
by O1DMBFan
I have no undo available. The Tools>Layout command is also unsuccesful. I believe the reason may be that I have no submaps at all. If you look under submaps there is only Local and 'Sterling' which is one I added as a test. The worst part is I can't even edit the current local map. I can't add submaps to the Local map and I can't add any devices to the local map.