I'm guessing packets are being received faster than the device/router can process them. 337 Mbps / 50,000+ pps is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you have firewall rules. Also do you have any queing going on?
What type of device/processor is it?
If the RX dropped is a very small percentage of the total packets received (i.e. you have 1 million dropped packets out of 1 trillion received), you probably don't need to worry about it, though 0 would be nice
Otherwise, you can try to simplify or optimize firewall rules, or look at faster or multi-core processors/busses. (along with newer routeros versions that utilize multiple cores better, if you aren't already). You could also consider moving the firewall rules elsewhere (assuming this is the issue).
If you have gigabit in, and 100Bt outs, it may just be getting backed up occasionally (you could modify queues on the outbound interfaces to hold more if this is the case). (Although, as I think about it, that would probably show up as a tx drop on the outbound interface instead of a rx drop on the inbound interface).