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Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:20 pm
by gr8boy

In my network map i have several Windows Servers with SNMP running.
I can see cpu, mem, virt mem, disk... but i DONT want to see virt mem... how do i remove that it possible????

Check the attach if you dont understand my question.

Re: Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:50 pm
by chrisd13
The default info uses the device_performance() function which uses the cpu_mem_disk() function, which in turn uses the virtual_mem_usage() function. You could copy the cpu_mem_disk() function and remove the part which uses the virtual_mem_usage() function. I did it like this...

removal_vmem_test function
if(cpu_usage_available(), concatenate("cpu: ", cpu_usage(), "% "), ""),
if(mem_usage() > 0, concatenate("mem: ", round(mem_usage()), "% "), ""),
if(hdd_usage() > 0, concatenate("disk: ", round(hdd_usage()), "% "), "")
device_performance_no_vmem function
string_size(removal_vmem_test()) > 0,

concatenate(removal_vmem_test(), "

On the device's appearence window edit the entry in the label field and replace device_performance() with device_performance_no_vmem() (or whatever you devide to call the function) and that should do it.

Re: Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:56 am
by gr8boy
Yes it worked!! Thanks!

I had no idea that label field was the answer for this.

One more question if its ok... the disk size must be the total size of all the partitions? is it possible to modify another function just to see C:\ or D:\ ???

Re: Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:21 pm
by lebowski
Yes there is a complex disk probe in the probe thread. Think it is on page 3.

Re: Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:49 pm
by PontiacCZ
I'd like to refresh this thread.

Now we know how to customize label on a particular device ALREADY in a map. But how to make it default so that newly discovered devices automatically get this improved label?

Re: Remove some SNMP info from devices

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:33 pm
by PontiacCZ
OK, here is an answer to my previous question: :)
The default label setup is located in Settings of the main window -> Map -> section Device Appearance -> Label.