Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:33 pm
so my next thought was that if i can't store just the metarouter on a seperate storage, how about the whole of the RouterOS?
i'm wanting to be able to boot the system from the microSD card on my RB1100 - is it possible to do so? from the userguide, it mentions that the hardware can boot from the microSD card, just not RouterOS.
reason being, i'm wanting to run metarouters which apparently can't reside anywhere other than NAND storage, and i'm worried about killing the NAND storage with writes (thinking of proxy and mail server). (see viewtopic.php?f=15&t=47682&start=0). I've already built the latest OpenWRT tree for the RB1100, complete with lots of packages...
i've tried doing the netinstall of the PPC packages onto the microSD card, but it seems that it doesn't support doing this.
any alternative solutions would be welcome!