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system,error,critical router was rebooted without proper shu

Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:38 am

Anyone seen this before?

jan/01/2000 00:00:13 system,error,critical router was rebooted without proper shutdown by watchdog timer

System is RB532 w/ 2x RB52 interfaces. WLAN1 is station (to bridge) on 5GHz, WLAN2 is ap-bridge on 2.4 w/ 3 clients connected.

It's supposed to print supout when the watchdog reboots it, but it isn't.
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Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:36 pm

this problem appear when the router does not shutdown properly , ex. when disconnected the electric energy . Try to shutdown it using
system shutdown
and start it again , and u will se that will not appear anymore.
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Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:22 pm

as far as i understand, watchdog rebooted his router, he didn't do it himself. it was probably due to some error or kernel panic. does this happen often?
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Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:45 pm

as far as i understand, watchdog rebooted his router, he didn't do it himself. it was probably due to some error or kernel panic. does this happen often?
Hi Normis, this has happend three times, all since updating software from 2.9rc9 to 2.9.4. There is one 2.8.21 client that won't reconnect to the 2.9.4 AP without a reboot every time this happens.
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Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:32 am

I pulled the 2.8.21 unit (since it was past upgrade time) and replaced with 2.9.5 unit, and haven't had anohter crash.

This says to me that there are backwards compatibility problems here.
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Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:22 am

I'm having similar problem with 3 routers out of 10. One of them is brand new, it rebooted 3 times within 8 hours. 2 of them is running on 2.9.6 and the new one is 2.9.7
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Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:25 am

Three of our 16 rb532 units reboot themselves randomly. One is a definite RMA, the other two we need to find the time to set up in the lab with a pile of clients and actually document what's happening. Unfortunately that consumes time that we don't have.
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Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:49 am

make sure that you are using the latest version and that you have enough and stable power.
Also you can send the support output file to which is made after reboot - maybe we could check why it is rebooting.
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Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:06 pm

same thing with my PC router. It happens 3-4 times a day, power is stable but it will just reboot and log show only this
system error critical router was rebooted without proper shutdown

nothing else, no watchdog.
The thing is I have one more router in the same plug that doesn't have this problem.
If there is a kernel panic system would hang, but here it will reboot with this error.
No suppout is made.
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:13 pm

:shock: I have the same problem with 3 router, I have two PC exactly similar to one it passes this problem and to the other one not. I use V.2.9.6 in both router
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:05 pm

umm this maybe be related.. I just upgraded a day or too ago myself to the latest MT version. and I have a few resets as well but I get messages on the terminal about somone trying to connect via ssh. I get a few user/pass errors and get a critical kernal error.
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Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:21 pm

well i had that problem too. My router was practically restarting every other momment. so i removed every single option in the watchdog panel and it stopped resarting but i guess it still might not be a solution to what is making it resart but at least its not restarting anymore
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Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:12 pm

check your ethernet cable, are you using shielded cable? i had the same problem. my router was rebooting for no apparent reason when i chaged the cable from shielded to unshielded it has stop rebooting.