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Multi DSl lines used and un-used

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:38 am
by webtek
Ok here is my situation,

i have 2 upstream dsl providers, the 1st isp i have all the ips (/28) allocated and working for all clients (all static assigned on customer end and the ips are all layer 3). The 2nd isp i want to bridge the dhcp request from couple of the customers to this interface. Esentially dedicating there connections to this upstream service, i am only allowed 2 ips from the 2nd isp and there dynamic allocated.(telus)

1. should i do a pppoe setup? if so how would i bridge the dhcp and service to the end user? the end user router supports pppoe, they run a vpn on this device also. (some clarification is what i need possibly)
2. on this router my intention is to utilize 1 dsl connection i have free for a corporate user (basically dedicated service) so is there a better approach? perfomance and passive approach is what intention is on dedicated service vs messy setup, any suggestions.
3.the mikrotik is a dhcp server also assigning layer 2 address ( and subnet's), will this cause any issues?
4. the mikrotik has 3 ethernet ports (ether 1 (ISP #1) ether 2 (local area) ether 3 (ISP #2), is it possible to dedicate the customer behind a bridge radio that has a router with pppoe capability to the ISP #2 service without drastic changes.

Any suggestions or help is GODly at this point, my mind is running all over the place and i just can't get a clear take of my setup. I have a 2nd server identical for testing with and would also be open to having an experinced mikrotik user contact me to have the scenarios in mind deployed correctly. Time is my issue and i would pay for the help if required.

either way im not a quitter and anyones help is appreciated....:)
If there is anything that someone requires (runing config etc) let me know and i can post.

Re: Multi DSl lines used and un-used

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:56 am
by omega-00
If it were me I'd look at doing the following

a) Have *all* public IP addresses assigned to the mikrotik and forward traffic internally (to private addresses) only for users that *needed* it.
b) Load balance outbound traffic using a PCC based setup, while forcing all incoming traffic to pass back out over it's originating link
c) have static DHCP leases for internal customers with the forwarding only setup where needed
Eg: customer 1 needs a public IP because they want to host a mail server behind their connection, no problem.. forward one of the current /28 IP's through to their network however let them know that traffic originating on the server and heading outbound will be sent over both the original ADSL + the New service at random (sharing the bandwidth upload/download).

If you're looking for more info on how to do the load balancing bit, post back here and I'll give you a couple of links.

Re: Multi DSl lines used and un-used

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:34 pm
by webtek
thanks for reply Omega-00

Please send any info you think may help, this is something i would have to try on test box and would change the topology of the ip layer somewhat.

Any help is appreciated!

Re: Multi DSl lines used and un-used

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:11 am
by omega-00
I have a pre-done PCC config and some details about how it works here that you are welcome to modify to suit your needs.

Re: Multi DSl lines used and un-used

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:26 am
by webtek
so implemented 1 pre-routing policy to direct traffic to my interface #3 (dsl) the traffic is flowing in the proper directions. but when i try to ping out from my interface 3 (dsl isp #2) to my (dsl isp #1 subnet) i dont get any replies...from int 3 i can ping everything outside box, but the /28 subnet that is routable i cannot ping. any ideas, also how would i 1:1 nat the dsl ips #2 connection to my internal subnet/static ip in nerd terms,,i can use dsl #1 with /28 subnet no problem, my local lan 2 appears to be working without any hitches, and my wan #2 is masquearding traffic from lan 2 with unique subnet, but i can ping my /28 from mikortik...the traffic is leaving wan #2 and should be entering wan#1 with successfull ping behind the gateway.....the reason is dedicated client needst to access resources on wan#1 from wan # 2...