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Maximum throughput of a wireless bridge?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:40 am
by ouraynet
Hello, I have recently installed a wireless backhaul using 2 RB/411AH with Ubiquiti XR5's.
I followed the instructions on this page to a t: ... o_Networks

They could pull 14 megs per second on the bench.
Once installed I was getting about 12 megs per second doing a scp.

I was able to use them fine for the hop they were intended, today a different link went down and i rerouted its traffic now over this mikrotik link.
It seems with more connections it only can move at 8-9 megs per second.

This is my first mikrotik link. Are these numbers what I should expect, or is there a better way of configuring these for higher performance?

Much Thanks,

Re: Maximum throughput of a wireless bridge?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:04 am
by riccardo
what are the values of signal strenght, ccq and distance? do you have clear LOS?

Re: Maximum throughput of a wireless bridge?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:10 am
by ouraynet
what are the values of signal strenght, ccq and distance? do you have clear LOS?
My signal strength is -70 at on end and -71 on the other.
My CCQ jumps around between 45% and 75% on both sides
Its a 12 Mile link with a clear LOS with nothing in its fresnel zone.
I have disabled all speeds under 24Megs.

I would be excited to see them run faster on the bench as well :)

Thanks much,

Re: Maximum throughput of a wireless bridge?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:46 am
by nny
i have MT link with rb 433ah at 2 miles running 108Mbps 5Ghz with Nstream on horz. Link does about 35 down and 35 up. Also my Antenna is a dual polarity so there is a extra wireless card on both ends so later i can bump it up more.

I would try and enable Nstream. It may double the speed you are getting.

Re: Maximum throughput of a wireless bridge?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:22 am
by ouraynet
Thanks for the input nny. I was under the impression you needed dual polarity for Nstream.
I have a new link showing up tomorrow and will give it a shot.