RB750 Routing funtion
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:28 pm
Hi can any one help undestanding the rb750g, i have read for 4 day many posts regarding the sitch and routing function and still didnt undestrand.
My scenario is wan link static ip < eth1 -|----|-eth2 > conect do switch01 network 192.168.1.
| |- eht3 > swt02 - net 192.168.2.
| |- eth4 > swt03 - net 192.168.3
I want to use it onle as gateway for each LAN and didnt find any funtion on it or dont know how to configure.
My scenario is wan link static ip < eth1 -|----|-eth2 > conect do switch01 network 192.168.1.
| |- eht3 > swt02 - net 192.168.2.
| |- eth4 > swt03 - net 192.168.3
I want to use it onle as gateway for each LAN and didnt find any funtion on it or dont know how to configure.