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Grounding Issue / Prevent Equipment Damaged from Lightning

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:56 pm
by budi_a
Dear All,

What's step / technique do you think most effective
in order to prevent equipment damage (wireless & routerboard)
from : ESD, EMI, lightning strikes (indirect) ?

Please share your usuall step, trick, secret, and
your experience regarding it ?

Thank you very much...


See diagram

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:16 am
by msolis
Antena---->coax------>Lighting arrestor(*)---->Routerboard(*)----->Outdoor PoE protector(*)------>Indoor PoE protector(*)------>Inyector------>120 VAC protector and Ethernet protector(*).

(*)All this component, connect to common ground. This common ground is the same of the building.

Both routerboard (230 and 500) have ground connection to chassis.

Re: See diagram

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:50 am
by budi_a
Antena---->coax------>Lighting arrestor(*)---->Routerboard(*)----->Outdoor PoE protector(*)------>Indoor PoE protector(*)------>Inyector------>120 VAC protector and Ethernet protector(*).

(*)All this component, connect to common ground. This common ground is the same of the building.

Both routerboard (230 and 500) have ground connection to chassis.

Dear Msolis,

1. Do you put routerboard in metal enclosures, and ground that
metal enclosures too ?

2. What if the routerboard located in tower, do you ground
them to tower mast (pipe / galvanized stell) or do you ground
it to ground cable ?

3. What's type out outdoor POE surge protector that you
recommend to use ?

4. What method do use for connecting the POE surge protector
to common ground ?

Thank you very much..


Re: Grounding Issue / Prevent Equipment Damaged from Lightni

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:09 pm
by tamilmaran
what you meant by outdoor & indoor poe connector..

Re: Grounding Issue / Prevent Equipment Damaged from Lightni

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:26 pm
by rodolfo

Re: Grounding Issue / Prevent Equipment Damaged from Lightni

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:24 pm
by ericsooter
If this is a water tank or rooftop, we typically bond #2 stranded ground cable from a copper bus bar near antennas. You will then want to bond everything to it: enclosures, coax (via coax ground kits), and antenna masts. If this is a commercial tower, there is typically a ground system or bus bar that can be connected. If not, then we sometimes run a #2 down the length of the tower (which can be expensive). You will then tie the #2 wire to a set of 3-4 ground rods. Make sure everything in the building is also bonded back to this ground point (usually near base of tower or water tank). If it is a large tower, we usually drive about 6-8 ground rods and tie them into a halo around tower base. Make sure everything is bonded together, or it can mess up the whole system. If you do it correctly, you can take direct lightning strikes to the tower structure and not lose your equipment.