Where does flash become a part of the RouterOS? And why is it sucking the life out of a RB750G Hotspot?
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Successfully reproduced. New "web-proxy" store creating when I give command... I shall try to reproduce it again...
export file=<NameForFile>
Wow.. the "web-proxy" store created and activated in both cases: on all settings export and when I just open /ip/web-proxy settings in WinBox. I triend it on two routers, RB751U-2HnD and RB750GL with RouterOS 5.26. But "flash" uses CPU greatly just on first of them. And I don't know yet if it uses it so high after just opening that settings window... I will look more.. Maybe sometimes the router just having too few RAM (when proxy using it too) and so it uses a swap file? Has RouterOS any swap-files on routerboards?... I'll try once again...
I don't believe it was really an option (unless Your router has a multikernel CPU: I've heard RouterOS 6 manages kernels more efficiently). I had just asked about it, but can't say definitely or test it in the place where it happened. That router seems to work fine on some smaller loads. Finally I've installed another router with more RAM (old was 32MB), as I have not seen this problem on any 64MB router. After couple weeks I can say the problem successfully solved this way...... is the only option migrating to 6... ?