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ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:52 pm
by phreistar
Hi all!

I am working with ROS 4.x on a virtual machine on Hyper-V. Everything was working fine until I did an upgrade to version 5.0 or 5.1. The system is starting with no errors, also the network adapters are available but there is no network connection. No ping, no management over Layer 2, nothing.

Do you have any ideas?


Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:32 pm

Same problem here.
On Hyper-V R2 server, legacy network card is seen by RouterOS 5.4
Other routers on the network see the virtual router in their neighbourlist, but all other traffic fails.
RouterOS 4.17 on the same server works fine.

Anyone found a solution?


Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by dboyadzhiev
The same problem. Somebody any ideas?


Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:16 am
by greenieofdubbo
And the same here, any ideas?

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:41 pm
by squishio
same here! :(

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:22 pm
by squishio
anyone have an update on this?

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:53 pm
by iseeku
Same here too!
Microtik does not work on Hyper-V?
Any solution yet?

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:46 pm
by dmolley
Maybe I missed it..
Almost a year has passed since this topic was created and there is still no solution or response from mikrotik?
I too am trying to get RouterOS on my Hyper-V system and am unable to do so sucessfully.
I guess MikroTik us uniterested in supporting RouterOS running on Hyper-V.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:49 am
by janisk
search on global network would show articles like this one: ... linux.html

where you clearly can see where the problem is.

There are many threads about this, search should

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:11 am
by dmolley
I stand corrected.
I did not realize that the problem is a microsoft support of Linux issue rather than a MikroTik support of Hyper-V.
Maybe I should switch to VMWare...

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:29 pm
by Sob
Maybe I should switch to VMWare...
A little OT in this thread, but while ROS does work on VMware, I didn't see any extra support (e.g. vmxnet3 driver, even though it is available in kernel version used by ROS), last time I checked. Sometimes I wonder how much MikroTik really wants to support virtualized ROS.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:26 am
by janisk
we do not support virtualization of RouterOS, but if it is working we will not change anything to stop it. Also, do to fact that RouterOS uses KVM by itself, best results you will have if you use KVM virtual machine to run RouterOS. You just have to slightly change CPU settings to match your CPU from default value.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:43 pm
by cybercoder
I just installed the ROS 3.2 on Hyper-v in 2k8R2 and set the physical interface to virtual machine, but the routerOS not identified any ethernet interface, isn't there any additional driver or something like that for old routerOSes?

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:08 pm
by janisk
no there is not and have not been any support for Hyper-V. Generic parts that are provided by Hyper-V enables to install RouterOS as a guest there, but as far as i know ethernet ports are missing as either there are no kernel modules or ones that are there have been updated by their vendor and driver from original vendor does not match with virtual devices provided by Hyper-V.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:14 pm
by cybercoder
Thanks Janisk for light answer

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:08 pm
by janisk
for example similar problem was with VMware and e1000 when intel released refreshed version with some new bells and whistles. Result - virtual card that used that driver stopped working. While hardware cards continued to work as before.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:21 am
by dmolley
I can't believe it has been 2 years since the original post on this thread and we still are EXACTLY in the same spot we were when we started.
For God's sake, we put men on the moon using a computer with less computing power than an RB250G. You would think that SOMEONE by now would be able to figure out how to get the stinking ethernet ports to be recognized by RouterOS when run on Hyper-V!!
But alas, it seems it is not technology that is the boulder in the highway, it is finger-pointing and the blame-game. "It's MS's fault". "No it's not, it's Mikrotik's fault" "No it's really the Linux community's fault"... WHO FRIGGING CARES WHO IS AT FAULT.
Just FIX the DAMNED thing already.
MK - Step up to the plate, be like the Apollo 13 astronauts, grab some flipping duct tape, some popsicle sticks and chewing gum and FIX THE ISSUE PLEASE.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:07 pm
by asrdias
I know this thread is old but I had to write a reply to it.
The only reason why the RouterOS stopped working with Hyper-v has to be because Mikrotik does not want it to work!
Vyatta uses the Linux kernel as well and they haven't removed the hyper-v modules which results on, Vyatta router software working perfectly with the synthetic network adapters and the legacy network adapters in Hyper-V and providing full bandwidth with great performance.

It's incorrect to blame Microsoft as the support is there. Every other Linux distribution works well in Hyper-V with the integrated support for Hyper-V on the Linux kernel. The modules are built in.

I was with Mikrotik for many years with many routerboards building our bridges, access points and routers. Last year we had to decide: Or drop Hyper-V or drop Mikrotik for our on premises cloud. So, Vyatta was the selected and slowly our Mikrotik hardware will be replaced by Cisco hardware.

I've been into an IT managers conference and found more people with the same problems and dropping Mikrotik as well and others turning to other solutions. The fact is: Hyper-V is good! Is free! Works well! We will not move from Hyper-V because of Mikrotik's position against supporting it. There are other routers that work well virtualised with Hyper-V, that's it!

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:26 pm
by janisk
this is due to discrepancies between hardware that is virtualized and actual hardware that has this driver written for. Similar to Vmware implementation of e1000 hardware did not follow driver expectancies and was not usable for a while, after vmware updated their "intel hardware" everything started to work again.

And actual hardware support is the priority for RouterOS, so virtualized hardware will not be supported.

Re: ROS 5.X not supported on Hyper-V

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:45 pm
by BrianHiggins
so virtualized hardware will not be supported.

and so licenses for virtual instances or ROS will not be purchased... fix the drivers to support hyper-v (hint: they already exist, you just need to include them), and you'll sell more licenses.