Internet speed limit
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:09 pm
My name is David. I have just started internet service to custommers using routerboard 750 and wriless antennas. As I am new in this subject, I need some help in some topics.
At this time internet trafic bandwidth is 6 MB. I am picking custommers every day. I have desided not to limit speed for custommes in order to allow them fully use spare internet trafic. And here is my question: Say, one custommer is downloading a large file, with 5 MB speed and another custommer started to download another file. will the trafic be equally devided between them immediatelly or not? Is this policy accrptable?
My name is David. I have just started internet service to custommers using routerboard 750 and wriless antennas. As I am new in this subject, I need some help in some topics.
At this time internet trafic bandwidth is 6 MB. I am picking custommers every day. I have desided not to limit speed for custommes in order to allow them fully use spare internet trafic. And here is my question: Say, one custommer is downloading a large file, with 5 MB speed and another custommer started to download another file. will the trafic be equally devided between them immediatelly or not? Is this policy accrptable?