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Real world experience with multiple 400mw mPCI cards?

Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:18 am

So... reading various forums and what not I've seen quite a bit of "should work" and "it worked for a friend of mine" WRT running 2 or more 400mw cards in the routerboard 500. Anyone here been able to do it reliably?
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Re: Real world experience with multiple 400mw mPCI cards?

Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:04 am

So... reading various forums and what not I've seen quite a bit of "should work" and "it worked for a friend of mine" WRT running 2 or more 400mw cards in the routerboard 500. Anyone here been able to do it reliably?
If power is the problem then how about going with the pcmcia cards. Their not the 400mW one's but I would rather have two of the Atheros a/b/g 300mW card's then the two prism b 200mW card's any day. If only 2.8.x would run WPA life would be good.
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Re: Real world experience with multiple 400mw mPCI cards?

Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:23 pm

I have been running two SR5s in a RB532 without problems, everything is rock stable. Do not use any more than two SR cards in RB500 boards as it will overload the onboard power regulator.
Last edited by NZLamb on Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:59 am

I use a SR5 and a R52 in a routerboard 532 without problems
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Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:54 pm

If you want to use more than 2 SR cards, you can try to use high voltage power adaptor (48 V)
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Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:01 pm

This won't make any difference as the RB 500 series onboard regulator can only provide a maximum of about 11W to add-on cards, and the SR cards draw a little over 5W each under full load.
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Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:15 pm

PCMCIA bus is not nearly as good as a MiniPCI or PCI bus for a wireless application. Why would you need a 400 mw card? The more mw the card sends out the more noise you get internally on the card.
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Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:06 am

PCMCIA bus is not nearly as good as a MiniPCI or PCI bus for a wireless application. Why would you need a 400 mw card? The more mw the card sends out the more noise you get internally on the card.
OK, I'll bite! Why is it that PCMCIA bus is not nearly as good as a MiniPCI or PCI bus for a wireless application?

Also I said to try the SRC because If you need the atheros chip set and you are coming from the 200mW prism cards then the SRC IS a good way to go. You get the same power if you want to set it at 200mW or you can go to 300mW or you can go down to 30mW if you think that’s what works for you.
Also the power drain is not as bad, you have two pcmcia slots on the RB230 and you get the 54mbit speed.
In my case I had two 200mW prism cards so it was very easy to change to the SRC. Same slot, same pigtail, same or better power.
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Re: Real world experience with multiple 400mw mPCI cards?

Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:05 pm

So... reading various forums and what not I've seen quite a bit of "should work" and "it worked for a friend of mine" WRT running 2 or more 400mw cards in the routerboard 500. Anyone here been able to do it reliably?
I´m using 2 SR5 per RB, and works stable ;)
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Wed May 31, 2006 8:21 pm

In my case I had two 200mW prism cards so it was very easy to change to the SRC. Same slot, same pigtail, same or better power.
are 2 SRC cards in the 230er PCMCIA slots running stable?
I worry about the heat... (after I touched them an hour later).

I get 2 SRC plus 1 SR2 on a routerboard 230 working (no power problem), but will it be stable with those 2 SRC back to back?
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Wed May 31, 2006 9:11 pm

I have had two of the SRC cards in a rb230 for a long time with out any problems at all.

I recently lost my rb230 board so I replaced it with a rb532 with two SR2s and now the noise is realy bad.

I think it's time to call Ubiquiti techs to find out if the SRC was amped or not.
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Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:24 am

So for you, the 2x SRCs in RB230 work better than 2x SR2 in RB532 ?
Interesting. I always read the 532 is more 'powerful' (cpu), but somehow I favour the 230. How exactly do you messure 'noise'?
Btw,we installed about 10x 230s (Prism, to be replaced by SRC)
and 15x 532 (CM9, to be replaced by SR2).
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Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:13 am

gentelmen , i'm only searching the routerboard forum to discover this router and its feature couse i'm thinking to use it as WDS mesh , now i have one question : why do we need to put more than 1 wireless card in the router ?
forgive me if you found this is a silly question !!!!
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Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:36 am

Nstreme2 or one for AP other for backbone, or in a repeater situation etc.
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Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:23 pm

in repeater mode , or WDS mode , can we use single wirless card with single antenna ?? i think this is possible but the speed will decrease right ??
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Working good

Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:50 pm

Running 2 SR5 cards in 1 Rb500.

Tried to install third sr5 with dougterboard - doesnt work.
Any power suplies wont help.

Rb532 + RB564 with 2 SR2 cards and 4 CM9 works good with 48V power suply.
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Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:07 am

Two high power cards is maximum RB500 can handle right now.In combination 2+4 it might work unstable, you can check RB500 technical specification for the power consumption and calculate produced power by 2+4 wireless cards.