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Trafik shaping among 3 users

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:09 pm
by davizo70
Hello everibody,
I have MT 750. The topology: Ether1-Public interface; Ether2-Client1; Ether3-Clients 1 and 2 with different IP addresses. My purpose is to give to: Client1 -from 2 to 4 Mb/sec, Client2-from 2 to 4 Mb/sec, Client3-unlimitted. How can I reach this? My opinion looks like this: Simple que1 with target addresses of client1 and client2 with max limit 4 Mb/sec and PCQ with rate 0; For client3 I consider to do nothing as I think it will receive all the rest of traffic. Is it true?

Re: Trafik shaping among 3 users

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:03 am
by davizo70
Is Simple queue 2 for Client3 necessary?