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PCQ fault?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:59 pm
by davizo70
My custommers comlain internet speed decrease in the evenings. I have MT using PCQ rules, equalizing traffic among users. This feature is good, but it has some falts in my point of view. I will explain what impact this feature has on the traffis decrease and you consider if I am right.
Say, We have custommers A, B and C. PCQ rate is 1 Mb/sec for each of them. Custommer A is downloading a file from the server, that limits download speed to 300 Kb/sec. At the same time, custommers B and C are downloading files from the servers that have download limit of 4 Mb. Do you think that download rates are A=300Kb, B=4Mb and C=4Mb? No dear, all of them are downloading with 300 Kb/sec due to PCQ equalisation character. Because of this all custommers are unpleasaant of traffic speed. Please let me know if you agree me or not.

Re: PCQ fault?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:24 pm
by fewi
That simply isn't how PCQ works.

Re: PCQ fault?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:01 pm
by davizo70
Thanks, but this topic is not discussed in any manual I;ve seen. And I became not completely clear what the real picture is.

Re: PCQ fault?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:37 pm
by fewi
PCQ simple makes dynamic substreams based on the qualifier you feed it, which is usually the source IP address for upload and the destination IP address for download. It then shapes all flows that match the same qualifier to the rate you specified. It does NOT give everyone the exact same bandwidth - just the exact same MAXIMUM bandwidth. If everyone has 2 megs available and one user is only using 500k that doesn't mean other users also only get 500k.

Re: PCQ fault?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:25 am
by davizo70
Could you please suggest me what causes traffic decrease in the evenings then? The topology: ADSL-MT-Airmax antenna with 2.4 Rocket-10 custommers. Bandwidth test shows 22 MB agregate. In MT I have two somple queues-1 for Global and the other for Local traffic. PCQ rate is 1.5 Mb/sec for download and 256Kb/sec for upload. May ADSL couse the problem? ADSL Bandwidth test showed sometimes 3.5 Mb/sec, sometimes 5 Mb/sec. Also, the rocket's network card works on only 10 Mb Half duplex mode due to fisical damage.