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How to deny using proxy programs

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:54 pm
by salytwo
Hello all,

I have users using proxy programs to open blocked websites I have denied it.

How I can block their traffic?


Re: How to deny using proxy programs

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:22 pm
by fewi
You could block traffic to well known proxy ports and proxy servers (lists can be found via Google).

But realistically that doesn't do you any good. You'd be playing catch up with new proxies popping up, and many run over standard ports like tcp/80. You also can't look into SSL wrapped proxy sessions.

So realistically you cannot reliably block proxies. You could with an HTTP ALG that has that functionality, as long as you force a root wild card SSL cert on everyone or don't care about SSL warnings in user browsers. That is probably not possible outside of an Enterprise deployment. RouterOS contains no such functionality itself.

Re: How to deny using proxy programs

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:15 pm
by MasterTee
i block it using public OPEN DNS

put the question how could i prevent proxy program whom could overcome this open dns??

is there firewall rule that could drop connection between clint and server that make ??

i read this but it block only hot spot shild ... ication%29

i want some thing like this!!