ok, so i had been using this API for about a year with no problems. Recently i have updated my radius servers and now the API no longer works.
I have trouble shooted the issue, and its not a issue with the API itself, put perhaps php.
the issue is as follows,
when i send the command: /interface pppoe-server remove <pppoe-workshop@nuskope.com.au>
On the mik-LNS i get a login failed fatal error,
now when i look at the output of the API file, it shows only this: interface pppoe-server remove/
Now, if i send another API request to the server, something simple it works (aka not a login issue)
the Issie is with <text>
anything between, including the <> php no longer displays.
if i edit the code, to put a space < pppoe- it displays but i get a error because its obviously incorrect.
if i use & lt; pppoe-xxxx & gt; it displays correctly on output but is sending incorrect values to the telnet, and error
Thus, is there a known way to fix the <text> issue so php does not comment it out. or, is there a way to remove the < > tags form pppoe interfaces so i can just send the request without it....
my script worked along side Free-radius to disconnect / shape / Un-shape users from our web-admin interface page.
Code: Select all
* RouterOS API
* Based on the code of SpectatorCN at http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=32957
* Modified by Ali Damji http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33690
* Modified by Tim Haak
* Modified by Michael Blake
*Free to modify, distribute, do whatever.
* http://radius1.nuskope.com.au/dialupadmin/mikrotikAPI.php?d=workshop@nuskope.com.au&i=
class phpMikrotikTelnet
//You may be able to lower this for single commands but needs to be high when running lots of commands
var $TimeOut=200;
var $fp;
var $echo=true;
function phpMikrotikTelnet($host, $username, $password,$echo=true)
$this->routeros_connect($host, $username, $password);
function routeros_connect($host, $username, $password)
function routeros_cmd($command)
//$command = str_replace(";\n",';',$command);
//echo $command."\n";
$commands = explode("\n",$command);
foreach ($commands as $cmd)
if ($this->echo)
echo $cmd."\n";
// $read = $this->read_from_telnet()."\n";
// if ($this->echo)
// echo $read;
return $rez;
# Telnet Related
function write_to_telnet($text)
return true;
function read_from_telnet()
$output = "";
$count = 0;
$count2 = 0;
$char =fread($this->fp, 1);
$output .= $char;
if($char==">") $count++;
if($count==1) break;
if($char==".") $count2++;
if($count2==3) break;
} while(1==1);
for($i=1;$i<=count($o)-2;$i++) $op.=$o[$i]."\n";
return $op;
function close()
function first_words($string, $num, $tail='')
/** words into an array **/
$words = explode(' ', $string);
/*** get the first $num words ***/
$firstwords = array_slice( $words, 0, $num);
/** return words in a string **/
return implode(' ', $firstwords).$tail;
/***EDITS BELOW Michale blake***/
$val = $_REQUEST['d']; //customer username
$ip = $_REQUEST['i']; // LNS ip address
$form = $_REQUEST['f']; //operation
$username= '<pppoe-' . "$val" . '>';
$cmd = "
/interface pppoe-server remove $username
$username= '<pppoe-' . "$val" . '>';
$cmd = "
/queue simple set $username limit-at=64K/64K max-limit=64K/64K
$query = mysql_query("SELECT UserName,Value FROM radreply WHERE UserName='$val' AND Attribute='Mikrotik-Rate-Limit'");
$radreplyCheck = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if($radreplyCheck[Value] !="64k"){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM radreply WHERE Attribute='Mikrotik-Rate-Limit' AND UserName='$val'");;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO radreply (UserName , Attribute , op , Value )
VALUES ('$val', 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', '=', '64k') ");
$query = mysql_query("SELECT GroupName FROM usergroup WHERE UserName='$val'");
$GroupQuery = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT Value FROM radgroupreply WHERE GroupName='$GroupQuery[GroupName]' AND Attribute='Mikrotik-Rate-Limit'");
$SpeedQuery = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$SpeedQuery = $SpeedQuery[Value];
/*** get the first 1 word ***/
$SpeedQuery= first_words( $SpeedQuery, 1);
$username= '<pppoe-' . "$val" . '>';
$cmd = "
/queue simple set $username limit-at=$SpeedQuery max-limit=$SpeedQuery
mysql_query("DELETE FROM radreply WHERE Attribute='Mikrotik-Rate-Limit' AND UserName='$val'");;
$ServerList [] = "$ip";
$Username = 'username';
$Pass = 'password';
foreach ($ServerList as $Server)
$mk = &new phpMikrotikTelnet($Server, $Username, $Pass);