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RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:56 am
by ptt
As the Thread title say:

How many users / bandwidth can handle a RB493G configured to act as PPPoE Server ?

Simple setup as posted here: ... ntrator.29

the only diference is the RB is only acting a PPPoE server, no Wireless cards just this:

"3rd party BW / QOS Box" --> "RB493G" --> "3rd Party AP"

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:18 pm
by Egate
Have a look at for the RB specs. Main limitation will be CPU, which is directly link to bandwidth usage. Think the license allow something like a 1000 PPPoE clients.

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:16 am
by ptt
Yes, i checked at Routerboard, but i only can see "Ethernet throughput" and "Routing" "Bridging" "IP Firewall on/off" "Conntrack on/off" but i dont see nothing about PPPoE sessions.

Doing some tests i can see CPU usage peaks at 50-60 % with 20Mb throughput, but with only 1 PPPoE session.
Then can i expect the same behavior, lets say with 20 PPPoE sessions at 1Mb ? I know this "things" normally does not scale linearly.....

So im posting here to know if someone who "have the RB493G" and is using it as PPPoE Server can tell me "how many" users / throughput can handle it.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question.

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:06 am
by Egate
Then can i expect the same behavior, lets say with 20 PPPoE sessions at 1Mb ?
Yes, this is correct. Have found with most any thing, the CPU is the limiting factor and this is directly connected to throughput speed.

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:02 pm
by macgaiver
The results in is good to compare RouterBOARDs between themselves.

For example you would like to know will you gain anything by switching your RB493G to RB1100. cause it is hitting 100% CPU load, you will see that pure CPU power is 2x more powerful - 64 byte frames result comparison , and memory throughput also is 2x (1518 byte frames)

So overall you should get at least 2x performance. i'm saying "at least" cause load is not linear, for example just the first simple queue (to initiate simple queue process) gives more impact on performance than next 50 simple queues.

From my personal experience RB1100 was able to serve 3,5 times more clients/throughput than RB493G with identical configuration.

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:50 am
by ethernet
RB450G served 100 clients with an average load of 25Mbit. Cpu usage was 90%

493G has the same cpu so i would expect the same performance

Re: RB493G as PPPoE Server --> How many Users can handle

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by ptt
Ok, thanks, Mr. Ethernet, that is what i was looking for.... some real world numbers.

nothing against the others members answers, im new with MikroTik, so all info / hints are wellcome :D

Thanks to all who take the time to read /answer my post.