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RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:04 pm
by mherbst01
I have an RB433 that really hasn't given me any problems since the day I installed it about 1-2years ago. Over the last couple of nights its just going up and down up and down, basically rebooting, I monitor it with The Dude and have notifications sending me texts when its up and down, I got 65 texts last night. I was able to login to the RB and decided to upgrade the firmware to v5.6, see if that helped, it didn't, it still rebooted but oddly enough it seemed to stop doing so around 8am and it stayed up never rebooted the rest of the day until about 11:40pm that night. It rebooted then stayed up til about 1am and then it would just keep going back to what it was doing over and over and over then at 8am it was fine. Now after I had uploaded the new firmware I decided to disable the WLAN and move all customers to other radios, so its essentially not doing anything just sitting there. I was able to do a supout.rif, I just can't understand why it reboots so much or loses power only at night, it is scheduled for reboot at 3am but that's the only reboot scheduled. Its plugged into a UPS being shared by 3 other RB433's and none of them are showing the same symptoms. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:40 pm
by sergejs
Did you change any RouterOS configuration before reboots started?

Re: RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:27 pm
by mherbst01
Did you change any RouterOS configuration before reboots started?
No none, hadn't messed with that radio in quite a while, just kept working. Haven't had any rain or anything, being we're in Texas, just seems really really odd to me that it does this at night and not during the day.

Re: RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:47 am
by deckard
Same issue here with RB433 with power supply 24V 0.8A

[@MK] > sys resour print
uptime: 54m9s
version: 5.6
free-memory: 47280KiB
total-memory: 62196KiB
cpu: MIPS 24Kc V7.4
cpu-count: 1
cpu-frequency: 300MHz
cpu-load: 4%
free-hdd-space: 28404KiB
total-hdd-space: 61440KiB
write-sect-since-reboot: 4243
write-sect-total: 92862744
bad-blocks: 0%
architecture-name: mipsbe
board-name: RB433
platform: MikroTik
[@MK] > /system routerboard print

current-firmware: 2.29
upgrade-firmware: 2.29

Re: RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:37 am
by 0ldman
I have had this issue with a couple of RB411's from the first batch.

In the case of the 411's it was the capacitors going out. Can you change the CPU speed in 5.6 on a 433?

Setting the CPU speed lower should improve reliability as the processor will draw less power. This is not a definite conclusion and certainly not a fix, but it may make it more stable until you can swap out the board, maybe buy you a little time.

Re: RB433 rebooting on its on at night

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:44 am
by deckard
Hi Oldman,

I'm trying to change the cpu speed at

/system routerboard settings
edit cpu-frequency

then i change to 266Mhz but i can't save it.
