One more thing i want to tell you. My Tower don't have earth cable.. After bad weather and lightning this issue occur. So what you said about it. i think its WIRELESS CARD PROBLEM. they are not given full TX power. what you said. is this problem in Card?
i also have tplink 5210 CP that device signal is also gone low after the bad weather.
Yes i am doing grounding.
This is obviously contradicting. First you say you have not grounded the tower and now you say you do???
i think i have some interference in signals. Sometimes signal come's up and down.
That could be a sign or interference yes.
I have 4 AP's. 2 sector east and west.
1 grid in south and 1 tplink 5210 access point in north.
1 Sector on East on Channel 1, And West Sector is on Channel 11.
Grid on Channel 6 and Tplink 5210 on Channel 13.
OK, so you probably have routerboard with 3 cards for your east, west and south antenna's and one separate unit (TPLink) for the north.
3 radio's in one board and box is not recommended. They tend to interfere with each other.
But worse is the TPlink. It is on channel 13 while you have already a radio on channel 11 in the same tower. This is asking for problems. Channel 11 and 13 are partly overlapping each other and since both radio's probably are close together they interfere with each other.
If radio with ch11 is facing west and radio with ch13 is facing north they could even create interference on a
radio facing South or East.
So my next question is: How far are these antenna's physically separated from each other and what is their back to front ratio. (How much signal is radiated to the back compared to the front.)
Also, you don't mention the kind of antenna of the TPLink. Is this an omni or sector or directional?
Further more, in 2,4Ghz you basically only have 3 separated channels. 1, 6/7 and 11/12/13.
If you now want to setup a tower with 4 sectors you can do the following:
Use two mimo able radio cards (802.11a/b/g/n, they come with two antenna connectors)
Connect to each of the connectors a sector. You can use side by side or opposite. (What is best is not decided yet. This is a very new way of using card, some forum user ´ramos´ came up with the idea.)
Now, set the card to work in normal 802.11b/g mode and each card will transmit and receive through both antenna's (chains).
It works, I do it myself on two units in 5Ghz to save frequencies and it works to full satisfaction!
This way you only have to use two different frequencies and only two cards that fit in one board!
Save money and stay out of problems! As a bonus, since only one routerboard is needed you probably even get a slightly better performance of you network! And you can maintain one registration table for all your clients!
How many more presents do you want!
On Many point i have 27 and 30 signal strength on TP 500g AP.
This kind of reading I still don't understand. Can you show me a screen print?
Two AP with ending MAC 34 and 5B have 27 and 30 signal strength.
I don't see that..
AP in Blue box with ending B7 is issue. On device he is receiving only 10 and i also change device but same problem. I also check on different place in opposite direction. But problem is same also on new point.
Please explain! This makes no sense to me.
Anyway, make a new print but include the column for S/N and CCQ in the table. Your problem link shows marginal signal with very low connector rate. You probably find the CCQ very low and the S/N also marginal. I think this link suffers most from interferences.