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Which will be the best Mikrotik version to use?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:50 pm
by Gjoni
This is my first thread in this fourm.. I am now here and I have a question to make:

I have adopted on P III 1000Mhz to a Mikrotik router I am using 2.9.1 version, I have been told from other guys who are also working with Mikrotik router that ver. 2.9.1 it is not the best, they even said that 2.2.28 is better then 2.9.1
My question is:

Which is the best version I should us or install and have no problem with it?

By the way I forgot to mention that I am distributing interenet through that router via senao 200mw 802.11b prisms and sector antennas.

Anyone could answer my question I’d be thankful

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:26 pm
by changeip
If you just starting out use 2.9.7 or 2.9.8. If you learn 2.8.x you are going backwards. We use 2.9.6 and above in production and its excellent. 2.9.1 had some minor issues you probably want a later version.


Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:16 pm
by dwright
Depends on what you are using mikrotik for.

On a wired network both . I would personally go with 2.9 for its new features and tools.

On a wireless network 2.8.28 is stable but doesn't run on the routerboard. 2.9 was very buggywhen first released, but most of the kinks have been worked out. There are people, including us, that are successfully using 2.9 in production wireless systems.



Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:24 am
by larmaid
how bout bandwidth limitng......which version is the most stabil..?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:27 am
by woody
how bout bandwidth limitng......which version is the most stabil..?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:41 pm
by jager
We started with 2.8.26 and now using 2.9.8. No problems with banwidth shaping at all on any version. Therefore, go for 2.9.8, a lot of new features are available. 2.9.1 is suffering from some bugs that are solved, and not exists in 2.9.8. Upgrade as soon as possible.


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:42 pm
by Gjoni
The reason why I am asking that is:

I have 2 sector antennas and the Antenna of my ISP, my internet café is about 300m away from my sectors, I get my internet connection from my sector via grid antenna to 200mw senao then to the 24 port switch… the problem I am facing lately is that during the day internet connection is fine as It could be, and as soon as starts to get dark whenever I try to ping my router with is 192.168.x.x I gets lot of “request time out”
Sometimes it goes normal no time out but suddenly start with times.. an also often it disconnect me from the router it self.
I have tried to fix it but I don’t know what is wrong. When I ping my senao “ping is 1ms”

I got no clue what is happening I am blaming my Mikrotik router 2.9.1 coz that the only think I didn’t change.. that was the reason why I wanted to know which Version is better

Anybody with any idea??

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:42 pm
by jager
Wow ... those request timed out stuff can start for a lot of reasons, mainly interference. Have you scanned to see what other APs do your antenna see? Especialy at the time when servise is bad.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:28 pm
by Gjoni
No.. to be honest I didn’t do that.. but when Pinging my AP Senao is goes OK 1ms, but it is not OK up to my router it changes from 3ms up to requested time out.. so u think that it could be some interference from any other antennas using my channel or what??

another strange problem i had yesturday was that i could not access my router from my server, through winbox, webbox or telnet, i had to go and reboot that damn thing, then it was OK