I have an RB433 + XR5 that has been losing power just about every night, goes down and comes back up after a couple of hours. We tried switching out PoE, moving it to a different port on the switch, tried a new patch cable. That still didn't work, it did it the next day, well yesterday we changed the RB433+XR5 plus Ethernet cable connecting the PoE to the RB433. I didn't get a down notification all night so I thought everything was good, but come in this morning and log into the radio and it has an uptime of 9mins. Log says Router was rebooted without proper shutdown (cause 1), says the same thing as the previous RB433. Previous RB433 was running v4.9, current RB433 is running v5.6.
I'm kind of a my wits end because everything has been swapped out, power wise we have moved it from a UPS to a power strip that other devices are on and aren't losing power. I really need some help on this guys, if I could get some help it would be greatly appreciated.