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PCQ Trees: Global-out doesn't seem to work as intended

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:17 pm
by Ayio

we've tried to setup a Queue Tree with pcq on MikroTik 5.6 using the following configuration:

firewall mangle:
Queue type:
Queue Tree:

The router works as a PPPoE server. Ether1 is WAN, ether2 is LAN.

When we try to use ether2 instead of "global-out" in the "pcq_in" queue it measures the bandwidth speed correctly, but it doesn't limit it according to the rules in pcq queue types. When we try to use Global-Out for pcq_in queue, the total pcq_in queue measures both In and Out traffic... So, we have working pcq_out (using Ether1 interface), QoS_in (uing Global-In interface) and QoS_out (using Ether2 interface), but can't make this.. "pcq_in" tree working yet.

Would really appreciate for your prompt ideas and comments!



Re: PCQ Trees: Global-out doesn't seem to work as intended

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:13 pm
by Ayio
Problem was solved with a separate marking for In and Out packets for PCQ tree.

There is one open question still - we couldn't manage to create the packet marking with assignement of the In.interface. Whenever we try to put the In.interface paramter ROS do not mark the packets at all... as a result shaping doesn't work. Without In.interface marking is working well (we use appropriate Address Lists in Destination and Source Addr.Lists parameters). Does anybody know whether this setup is Ok from the config point of view and there won't be any problems with e.g. traffic between the subscribers from dthe ifferent Address Lists?


Re: PCQ Trees: Global-out doesn't seem to work as intended

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:33 pm
by Chupaka

Re: PCQ Trees: Global-out doesn't seem to work as intended

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:13 pm
by Ayio
Pash, chital ya eto delo... Poka ne pomoglo. :? Mojet posovetuesh, pls?