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Access IP camera

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:39 pm
by sankofa411
I have a public IP on my router outside interface 41.56. x. x . I have a private IP on my router local interface 192.168.x.x. How can I configure my router to give me access to my IP camera over the internet so I may see images whiles I am away?

Thank you in advance.

Access IP camera

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:14 pm
by cbrown

Re: Access IP camera

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:28 am
by Toiletbowl
I have a public IP on my router outside interface 41.56. x. x . I have a private IP on my router local interface 192.168.x.x. How can I configure my router to give me access to my IP camera over the internet so I may see images whiles I am away?

Thank you in advance.
its something looks like this bro..

;;; sankofa411_ipcam
chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=camera_ip to-ports=1234
protocol=tcp dst-address=(public_ip) dst-port=1234

Re: Access IP camera

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:51 am
by jasong
should look something like this:

chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=192.168.x.x to-ports=80 protocol=tcp
dst-address=41.56. x. x dst-port=8080

This assumes your camera is serving http port 80. You will need to put in your browser 41.56. x. x/8080 from OUTSIDE your network. The router will then take the traffic bound for http port 8080 and send it over to the camera at port 80.

I use the odd port number to make it a bit more difficult for someone to access my camera