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RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:26 pm
by BraZuky
Hello friends!

I have bought a bunch of RB750GL to use as a client side router on my ISP provider.
One of the reasons that I´ve bought them is that I could do rate limit on the physical interface (ether1, ether2) without queues.

In the Mikrotik Wiki we can find that at the moment the only RB that can do rate limitation on the interface is RB750GL.

This is the link that explain the features of the chipset Atheros8327 present on RB750GL that allows it to rate the bandwidth of each physical interface. ... p_Features

OK, now that I have explained which features this Rb750GL is supposed to have and the reasons that I need it I will tell you my problem.

The problem is that I need to set specific speeds on each interface depending of each client.
For example:
The speeds that this RBs allows me to set is in the image below:


But I need to set for example 3MEGA and not 2M or 4M but 3M!!

Anyone could help me ?
It is a bug ?

When I try to set manually a get a error saying : decimal number expected!

Re: RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:39 pm
by gcs
have you tried typing 3000k

Re: RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:54 pm
by BraZuky
Yes man,

got the same error : decimal number expected!

Re: RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:30 am
by ditonet
It isn't a bug, was already explained that is fixed list of values.
These values depends on built-in switch chip.
If you want to limit bandwidth to 3M, use queues.


Re: RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:39 pm
by BraZuky
But queue is pretty different from chipset rate limit, or not ?

Thanks btw.

Re: RouterBoard RB750GL Rate Limit (bandwidth limitation)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:21 am
by macpacheco
you can enter any value in kbps, just type it in. The UI doesn't accept 200M, it must be 200000.
I just tried 200000 for 200Mbps and it worked fine.